Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

Zorka (ZOKA)

 Common information

  • Station Zorka (ZOKA) located 10 km from the v. Bokonbaevo on the southern coast of the Issyk-Kul lake
  • Coordinates N 42.17557° and E 77.03723°
  • Height above sea level 1570 м
  • Installed by CAWa project in 10.09.2016

Station control and power supply

  • Computer on base PC-104
  • Management of separate device power
  • Autonomic system of power suply from 6 panels and 6 batarries

GNSS station

  • Receiver TPS GB-1000
  • Antenna TPS PG-A1
  • Antenna height 0.0.
  • Data downloading with use COM port

Меtео station 

Data transfer system

  • Main satellite system VSAT with router iDirect 3000
  • Reserve satellite system Iridium
  • Installed GSM modem

Meteorological data available in sensor data storage system




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Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences

Kyrgyz Republic
720027 Bishkek
Timur Frunze Rd.73/2

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+996 312 555111
+996 312 555222