Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

Strategy and Comprehensive Action Plan for Education on Climate Change in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Strategy and Comprehensive Action Plan for Education on Climate Change in the Kyrgyz Republic.

April 23, 2021 Co-director of CAIAG B. Moldobekov took part in a high-level meeting dedicated to the presentation of the Strategy and Comprehensive Action Plan for Education on Climate Change in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Climate Finance Center, together with UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic and key stakeholders, developed a draft Climate Change Education Strategy. The strategy identifies priorities, goals and objectives and specific measures (Comprehensive Action Plan) for training and capacity building on climate change issues in the medium term.

 Conf.23 2apr


This event was attended in an online format by CAIAG employees, from the 2nd department; head R.Usubaliev, senior researcher Y. Podrezova , from the 4th department; supervisor Ch. Zhaparkulova, researcher E.Мambеtaliеv, Jr. researcher N. Alybaeva.

Conf23 apr

Conf23 1apr

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