Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

Dr. Bolot Moldobekov, Co-Director of the CAIAG, and the staff of the Institute warmly congratulate Dr. Oliver Bens, Co-Director of CAIAG, on his appointment to the membership of the Brandenburg Climate Council

Dr. Bolot Moldobekov, Co-Director of the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences, and the staff of the Institute warmly congratulate Dr. Oliver Bens, Co-Director of CAIAG, on his appointment to the membership of the Brandenburg Climate Council.


Dr. Oliver Bens, Head of Operations Management at GFZ, has joined the newly established twelve-member Brandenburg Scientific Climate Council. At the founding meeting on July 15, 2024, Brandenburg's Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection, Axel Vogel, presented the certificates of appointment.

The Scientific Climate Advisory Board advises the State of Brandenburg on the achievement of climate goals, in particular on greenhouse gas emissions, as well as on the measures of the Brandenburg Climate Plan adopted in March 2024. The Climate Advisory Board also supports the update of the climate plan and can thus identify areas and priorities for action. Maximum social, economic and environmental equity should be applied to all considerations.

The twelve members of the Scientific Climate Advisory Board were initially appointed for three years until July 31, 2027 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MAECP) on the recommendation of the respective ministries. With their experience and expertise, they cover the relevant sectors and action areas of the climate plan.

Dr. Oliver Bens is Head of Operations Management at GFZ and Co-Director of the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences. During his career he has held various positions in universities, industry and interdisciplinary working groups of academies of science, and is a member of various policy advisory bodies. He has been working at the GFZ since 2007.

His research interests include the areas of “The course and consequences of global change and the sustainable utilization of georesources”. In Brandenburg, Oliver Bens is a member of the Board of the Brandenburg Nature Conservation Foundation and the Advisory Board for Nature Conservation in Brandenburg at the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection.

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