Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

On June 4, 2024, a seminar was held at the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

On June 4, 2024, was held a seminar at the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) on the topic “Integrated analysis and assessment approach to hazards, risks, vulnerabilities, and resilience as well as an integrated management approach to emergencies and disasters”

The event was organized as part of the research project INCREASE, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The project, which started in January 2021 and runs until January 2025, aims to study and manage natural hazards, disaster risks, urban planning and social aspects.


Project participants include leading research institutions and universities, as well as national authorities and platforms in Germany. The main goal of INCREASE is to strengthen and internationalize German research in the field of civil security and to promote international and transdisciplinary partnerships for the exchange of knowledge and innovation.

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