Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

Co-director and heads of departments of CAIAG met with representatives of the Regional Environmental Office of the US Embassy in Astana

On August 22, 2024, co-director Bolot Moldobekov and department heads of the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) met with the head of the Regional Environmental Office of the US Embassy in Astana, Kyle Fielding, and scientific affairs specialist Gulnara Zhumabaeva.


Representatives of CAIAG and the Regional Environmental Office of the US Embassy in Astana discussed the current state of the region's ice cover and the impact of climate change on glaciers. The meeting participants reviewed the work carried out to monitor and study these processes, as well as prospects for future cooperation.

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