Taragai (TARA)

Common information
- Station Taragai (TARA) located 70 km south of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan
- Coordinates N 41°43.748' and E 77°48.286'
- Elevation above sea level is 3530 m
- Installed on 14.08.2008
- Rebuilt on 05.09.2010 by CAWa project
Station control and power supply
- Computer on base PC-104
- Management of separate device power
- Autonomic system of power suply from six 120w solar panels and six 240 a.h. batarries
GNSS station
- Receiver TPS GB-1000, s/n T224963.
- Antenna TPS PG-A1, s/n 310-0741
- Antenna height is 0.0.
- Data downloading with use COM port
Seismo station
- Placed in bunker at 2 m depth under ground 2 m
- Seismometer STS-2, digitizer EarthData PS6-24
- Precise time service with GPS (antennaTrimble)
- Registered channels - Z, NS, EW
Meteo station after modification
- Air temperature and humidity sensor Vaisala HMP 155
- Air preassure sensor Setra 278
- 4-component solar net radiation sensor Hukseflux NR 01
- Wind direction and speed sensor R.M.Young 05103
- Rain gauge R.M.Young 52203
- Soil moisture sensors in 10 cm to a depth of 1 m Campbell CS 616
- Soil temperature sensors in 10 cm to a depth of 1 m Campbell CS 616
Метео station before modification
- Equipment type - Vaisala WXT520
- Measured parameters - athmpspheric preassure, air temperature and humidity, wind direction and speed, rain
- Data downloading with use of com-port to computer SeisComP
Data transfer system
- Main satellite system VSAT with router iDirect 3000
- Reserve satellite system Iridium
Meteorological data available in sensor data storage system