Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

Department 3


Azamat Sharshebaev

CAIAG Bishkek
Kyrgyz Republic
720027 Bishkek
Timur Frunze rd. 73/2

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Curriculum Vitae

Professional experience:                                                                                                           

2015- to present junior research worker, head of  section “Monitoring system” of  department  «Technical infrastructures and data management »  

Installation and maintenance seismic, hydro met, gnss stations and software for CAIAG network and next projects: “Tien Shan - Pamirs Geodynamics Program” (TIPAGE), Cross-boundary Disaster Prevention in Central Asia“  ( CASCADE),  Regional Research Network "Water in Central Asia» CAWa, "Global Change Observatory in Central Asia» GCО-CA, EbA “Adaptation based on ecosystems to climate change in the highlands of Central Asia”, MI-DAM – “MultI-parameter monitoring and real-time risk assessment of hydroelectric DAMs in the Kyrgyz Republic”, Central Asia Real-Time Strong Motion Network “ACROSS”                                                            

2008 – 2015 the engineer-seismologist of department  «Technical infrastructures and data management » of Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences.

2005-2008 engineer of 1 category of Information Computer Center of Research -Methodical Seismological Expedition of Institute Seismology of National Academies of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.(Installation and maintenance of digital broadband seismic stations in territory of Kyrgyzstan «joint international project NORSAR and RMSE», processing and the analysis of data, training of operators to new programs of processing, a writing a manual on data processing for operator, maintenance of the computer network of data-processing centre.)

2005 -2005 engineer of 2 categories of seismic station "Ala-Archa"(IRIS/IDA)of Research - Methodical Seismological Expedition of Institute Seismology of National Academies of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.(Processing of acting data from a seismic station, maintenance of trouble-free work of station)

2000-2005 - The Kyrgyz State Mining University Faculty « Mountain Economy »

Specialty: The engineer-programmer

Specialization: "software of computing machinery and the automated systems".                






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Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences

Kyrgyz Republic
720027 Bishkek
Timur Frunze Rd.73/2

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