The Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) in Bishkek, established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the The GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam (Germany), announces a competition to fill the following vacant position:
Secretary-translator with knowledge of English
Functional responsibilities:
- maintenance of the secretariat of the Administration,
- preparation and processing of mail and meeting documentation,
- organization of meetings and business trips,
- editorial and graphic set of presentations and reports using modern office equipment,
- organizing, preparing and holding events of the institute (meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.),
- organization of working meetings and events with international partners,
- record keeping and organization: technology of creation, processing, transfer and storage of documents,
- translation from English /oral/written/ into Russian and vice versa.
Qualification requirements:
- higher education,
- translator's experience,
- must be able to use a computer, computer programs and Internet resources (MS-Office package: Word, Excel, Internet, Email),
- must have skills in working with office equipment: telephone, fax, copier, scanner,
- knowledge of the Kyrgyz language, an additional advantage,
- conducting telephone and business negotiations, communication technique,
- the ability to maintain a professional image: professional ethics, business image, business etiquette, psychological characteristics, the ability to work in a team.
Entry into office: as soon as possible
Contract duration: at the beginning - 2 years
Wage: in accordance with the CAIAG staffing table
Brief information can be obtained
by phone: +996 312 556262, 555222, 555111, s.t. 0772212960
Deadline for submission
of documents: reception open
To participate in the competition, you must submit:
- application for acceptance of documents for participation in the competition;
- resume (in Russian, German or English) with a photo;
- a copy of the diploma and letters of recommendation;
- a copy of your passport or identity document.
Documents required for participation must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the address: Bishkek 720027, st. Timura Frunze 73/2, Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG), B. Moldobekov,