Sustainable land use management in high Pamir and Pamir-Alai mountains Integrated Transboundary Initiative in Central Asia (PALM)

Sustainable land use management in high Pamir and Pamir-Alai mountains Integrated Transboundary Initiative in Central Asia (PALM).
Final generalized report on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
UNEP project number: IMIS: GFL-2328-2770-4984
PMS: GF-1030-07-02
Introduction. PALM project territorially covers the Pamir-Alai region including transboundary areas of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in order to reduce disaster risks and sustainable land management over the investigated territory. According to the integrated and transboundary initiative of the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) carried out integrated studies and analysis of hazardous natural processes and phenomena within the PALM project territory in Kyrgyzstan, focusing on four experimental ayil-district (Josholu, Lenin, Alaiku, Kashka-Suu), located in three administrative regions (Alai, Chon-Alai, Kara-Kuldja), located within the Osh oblast, in the periphery of Kyrgyzstan (transboundary with Tajikistan), as well as development of social-politically important maps of geo-risks with a number of special materials for capacity building, concerning risk assessment and their mitigation at community level
Description of key developments and achievements
The key developments and achievements are following:
- Field works
- Acquisition, analysis and generalization of multi-thematic materials
- Different thematic electronic mapping of natural disaster risk assessment.
- Methodology development, assessment and risk mapping of ayil–districts and administrative regions in Kyrgyzstan adaptable for pilot jamoat territories and administrative districts in Tajikistan.
The key developments and achievements are performed according to plan and terms of reference by the following work schedule:
Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) is a partner of the project of hazard and risk of natural processes and their influence on people and territory of Pamir and Pamir-Alai regions. Moreover, partners from Tajikistan – Research Centre of the Agency for Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography under the government of the Republic of Tajikistan, National Disaster Reduction Center, Information-Analytical Center of CoES and CD in Tajikistan, were involved in this project as consultants in order to carry out works in Tajikistan territory according to the plan and information transmission to CAIAG for their further analysis and processing.
In the first stage of the work execution the following materials were prepared: electronic maps in MapInfo 10. 01 program with graphic display of hazardous natural processes spread and occurrence areas in three administrative regions and four ayil-districts in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in the territory of Tajikistan (in four regions and six jamoats), including the territory of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAR).
Training was put off for a while due to the events, happened in Osh region. One-day training was held in the Pildon jamoat of the Jirgital region by Tajik partners. The atlas of natural disaster maps with a description of Pamir-Alai region in Kyrgyzstan was worked out for publication, as well as the atlas of maps of Pamir region in Tajikistan in A3 format was at the stage of completion.
Altogether in the atlases of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan it was planned to map: 43 different-thematic hazard assessment maps (Kyrgyzstan), 60 different-thematic hazard assessment maps (Tajikistan).
Works on 24 different-thematic hazard assessment mapping were conducted for generalized atlas of maps of regional scale.