15th Anniversary of the CAIAG

15th Anniversary of the CAIAG
On September 17, 2019 at 9:00 the CAIAG conference hall at the address: Bishkek, Timur Frunze str. 73/2, hosted the opening of the International Jubilee Scientific Conference dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) in Bishkek having the subject of "Remote and ground-based Earth research in Central Asia."
The main objectives of the conference were: to discuss the most important results of remote and ground-based Earth research in Central Asia, obtained in recent years; to identify the priority scientific research areas based on these studies; sharing experience both in the field of research and in the processing, storage and management of the information.
The results of the researches presented at the conference will allow to more accurately predict negative environmental changes and, based on that, more efficiently plan economic activities that contribute to improving the quality of life of the population.
There were more than 50 reports of scientists from Central Asia, Russia and Europe in 2 areas received:
- Monitoring and research of geodynamic processes of the Earth;
- Water resources and the influence of climatic conditions on them;
The materials of the Conference have already been published in the collection "Materials of the International Conference “Remote and ground-based Earth research in Central Asia"".
The conference was held in the form of plenary meetings on relevant topics.
Representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic M. Dzhumataev, academicians A. Aidaraliev and A. Kutanov, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Kyrgyzstan as well as representatives of the German Center for Earth Research (GFZ, Potsdam) - the founders from the German side - were invited to the conference – administrative Director S. Schwartze, Head of the International Department L. Schtroink and CAIAG Co-Director J. Lauterjung.
The Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences was founded in 2004 by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the German Center for Earth Research in Potsdam, Germany. The Institute's research activities cover the disciplines of Earth sciences that are priority for the Central Asian region in terms of the vulnerability of natural systems and the population: geology, geophysics, geodetics, geodynamics, engineering geology, modern tectonics, hydrogeology, hydrology, climatology, glaciology, geoecology and remote sensing methods. The modern methods of ground-based and remote observations used make it possible to study in depth the temporal and spatial patterns of the development of natural processes and phenomena. For these purposes, a network of meteorological, GPS and seismic stations, hydrometeoposts, as well as the interpretation of remote sensing data are used.
To store such a meta data, a geodatabase infrastructure has been created and is being developed that contains a significant amount of geoinformation from various sources. The geodatabase is provided with a Web interface for quick access by users.
Source: Own materials.