Official visit of the co-directors of CAIIZ to the MES of the Kyrgyz Republic, KSTU and IUK

Official visit of the co-directors of CAIIZ to the MES of the Kyrgyz Republic, KSTU and IUK.
On April 22, 2022 co-director of CAIAG Dr. Oliver Bens and Dr. Moldobekov B. visited the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic (MES KR). During the guest visit, Minister Dr. Azhikeev B. informed Co-Director O. Bens about the activities of the 112 Service and the Department of Monitoring and Forecasting of Emergencies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Both sides highly appreciated the potential of cooperation between CAIAG and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Also, On April 25, 2022 co-director of CAIAG Dr. Oliver Bens and Dr. Moldobekov B. attended a guest visit to the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after U. Asanaliev and the International University of Kyrgyzstan, where a meeting was held with the rectors of universities. A number of issues on further cooperation were discussed.
Prepared according to our own materials.