Visit of the Ambassador of Germany to the Kyrgyz Republic Dr. Gabriel Guellil

Visit of the Ambassador of Germany to the Kyrgyz Republic Dr. Gabriel Guellil to CAIAG.
On April 22, 2022, Madam Ambassador Gabriela Guellil visited CAIAG. During the meeting, co-director of CAIAG, Moldobekov B.D., spoke on the topic: "Experience and practice of project implementation." Mr. Oliver Bens and Mr. Moldobekov Bolot had a fruitful conversation with Madam Ambassador Gabriela Guellil. The Ambassador also expressed interest in visiting Lake Merzbacher to familiarize herself with the activities of the station. The topics of possible cooperation were touched upon. At the end of the meeting, familiarization with the library and server room of CAIAG.
Prepared by own materials.