Advancing the development of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP)

Advancing the development of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process for medium and long-term adaptation planning and implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic
CAIAG staff, on October 21, 2021, participated in an offline and online mode in the kick-off seminar and official launch of the project " Advancing the development of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process for medium and long-term adaptation planning and implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic ", funded by the Green Climate Fund.
The meeting was attended offline by employees of the Department of International Cooperation and Capacity building - Alybayeva N. and Surapova K., also online were representatives of the Department of International Cooperation and Capacity building (Head of the department - Zhaparkulova Ch., Mambetaliev E., Momunbekov B, Sulaimanova Zh.), and employees of the department of Climate, water and Natural Resources (Head of the department - Usubaliev R., Kalashnikova O., Shaidyldaeva N., Podrezova Yu.).
The proposed project will support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in establishing its NAP process and is consistent with the government’s strategic vision for climate change adaptation. The project objective is to strengthen institutions and enhance vertical and horizontal coordination for climate change adaptation planning, facilitate mainstreaming of climate risks at sectoral and subnational levels, and to identify priority climate change adaptation investments. The project will develop a national adaptation plan as well as adaptation plans for the 3 southern regions and the following 4 priority sectors: (1) disaster and emergency management; (2) health; (3) biodiversity conservation; (4) and agriculture and irrigation water. These plans will be the basis for the development of 12 pilot projects to attract funding to strengthen the country's adaptive capacity.
The proposed project will support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in establishing its NAP process and is consistent with the government’s strategic vision for climate change adaptation. The project objective is to strengthen institutions and enhance vertical and horizontal coordination for climate change adaptation planning, facilitate mainstreaming of climate risks at sectoral and subnational levels, and to identify priority climate change adaptation investments. The project will develop a national adaptation plan as well as adaptation plans for the 3 southern regions and the following 4 priority sectors: (1) disaster and emergency management; (2) health; (3) biodiversity conservation; (4) and agriculture and irrigation water. These plans will be the basis for the development of 12 pilot projects to attract funding to strengthen the country's adaptive capacity.

Prepared by own materials.