Sustainable assessment of water- energy and food relationship an irrigated agriculture: interdisciplinary approaches in Central Asia (WEFCA)”

Reduction of disaster risk and early warning system.
International summer school on the theme “ Sustainable assessment of water-energy and food relationship and irrigated agriculture: interdisciplinary approaches in Central Asia (WEFCA)” hold from April 28 to May 5 2019, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan at the Institute of Engineer Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization (IEIAM).
The main tasks of school is consultation about advanced research methods in the field of water and energy resources management, agricultural and environmental sciences, rural development and other related areas of natural resource management conducted for postgraduate and postdoctoral students from universities and research institutes of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, as well as Germany. Researchers were invited to participate.
Lectures were given by experts from the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Research (ZALF), doctor of technical and geographical sciences of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.
Discussions in working groups were held in several areas:
A- sustained increase in yields under water scarcity and climate change
B- renewable energy production in conditions of water scarcity and soil vulnerability
C- transboundary water management for several sectors
D- improving biodiversity and natural resource quality
E- sustainable land use and economically viable recovery systems
F - compromise and synergy management WEF nexus.
From CAIAG took part Olga Kalashnikova and Azamat Osmonov – research scientists from department 2 Climate, water and natural resources.